Audience Classification
The need to define audiences has
been driven by commercial needs. Many media businesses need to deliver
audiences’ eyeballs, or ears, to advertisers in order to be profitable and so
the audience needs to be categorised.
The Registrar
General’s Social Scale
The Registrar
General’s Social Scale is the way the British Government defines the populace
through their occupation:
Group Occupations
A Professional
Workers (lawyers, doctors etc.), Scientists, Managers of large-scale
B Shopkeepers,
Farmers, Teachers, White-collar workers.
C1 Skilled Manual
(i.e. hand) workers – e.g. high grade, e.g. master builders, carpenters, shop
assistants, nurses.
C2 Skilled Manual
– low grade, e.g. electricians, plumbers.
D Semi-skilled
Manual, e.g. bus drivers, lorry drivers, fitters.
E Unskilled
Manual, e.g. general labourers, barmen, porters.
A benefit of the
Registrar General’s Social Scale is that it can help companies to target
audiences. However, the scale has been criticised for being both crude and
Values, Attitudes
and Lifestyles (VALS)
Possibly a better
way of defining audiences is by categorising them by the values and attitudes
they hold and the lifestyle they have; these are psychographic (psychographics
is the study of personality, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles)
variables. For example, one of the better known systems is the Values,
Attitudes and Lifestyles (VALS):
*Actualisers: Successful, wealthy, dynamic people for whom image is important as an expression of their individuality
* Fulfilleds: Mature people who
are well-educated professionals. This group values order, knowledge and
* Achievers: Successful and
career-orientated people. They are politically conservative and value the
status quo. Image is important to them and they tend to buy established,
well-known products.
* Experiencers: Young, impulsive
and rebellious. They like new products and styles but soon tire of them and
search for new novelties. They spend as much as they can afford on clothing,
fast food, music and films.
* Believers: Conservative people
who believe in traditional institutions, such as the Church, and in the
importance of the family and community. Their lifestyle tends to be very
the importance of the family and
community. Their lifestyle tends to be very routine. Their income is small but
* Strivers: Tend
to be unsure of themselves and have a low income. They are striving for
approval from others, which they feel they could gain by ownership of
possessions, most of which they cannot afford.
* Makers: Makers
are do-it-yourself enthusiasts and tend to live a conventional, family life.
* Strugglers:
Strugglers are on the lowest income and tend to be loyal to their favourite
Psychographic Clusters
Similar to the
VALs system, Psychographic Clusters is a system invented by Keith Selby:
* Trendies: who
crave the admiration of their peers.
* Egoists: who
seek pleasure.
* Puritans: who
wish to feel virtuous.
* Innovators: who
wish to make their mark.
* Rebels: who wish
to remake their world in their own image.
* Drifters: who
are not sure what they want.
* Drop-outs: who
shun commitments of any kind.
* Traditionalists:
who want things to stay as they are.
* Utopians: who
want the world to be a better place.
* Cynics: who have
to have something to complain about.
* Cowboys: Who want easy money.